Family Owned & Operated
Making Glass Shine Since 1998
Auto Glass Repair & Replacement Services
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Locally Owned To Best Serve Your Auto Glass Repair & Replacement Needs
Auto Window Repair in Phoenix AZ
Is your insurance company paying for your windshield repair or replacement? They may only be checking that a glass company is licensed, not looking for an AGRSS certification. Remember, most people are unable to tell whether a windshield has been improperly installed until it is too late.
Star Glass is auto glass repair done right and done professionally!
Free mobile service to your home or office
All Insurances Accepted
Lifetime warranty on workmanship
All technicians AGRSS certified
(Automotive Glass Replacement Safety Standard)
Preferred providers to the largest insurance companies
Family owned and operated
Se habla Español
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COVID-19 protocols to keep you safe.

Star Glass Company Serving Phoenix
Star Glass Company is a leader in glass repair and replacement throughout Phoenix, and has been serving Arizona since 1998. We specialize in a variety of services including windshield replacement & repair, side mirror replacement, rv glass repair & replacement, auto glass calibration and other auto glass services.
We uphold the integrity of our services not only through our unparalleled customer service, but also by going the extra mile to obtain an Auto Glass Replacement Safety Standard (AGRSS) certification. The AGRSS Certification is a process which ensures our technicians are educated in the process of safe windshield replacement.

Star Glass Company is not only a leader in glass repair and replacement throughout Phoenix but has strong roots in its local community. We are proud to support the Pinnacle High School Varsity Basketball team this season.
Star Glass is also one of the top supporters of the annual HLT Tournament, one of the largest and longest running charity golf tournaments supporting Prostate Cancer Foundation.